Welcome to Langhorne Creek

Visit our Langhorne Creek Campus here

Nestled amongst lush vineyards and red gum lined creeks, Langhorne Creek R-6 Campus offers a broad and rigorous curriculum is offered inclduing access to  specialist teachers. Literacy and Numeracy are foci every day in every classroom. The campus has a strong focus on ecological sustainability with students and the community collaborating in a range of excellent programs. The conclusion of each year is celebrated with a quality concert held for the community where students show their talents in the performing arts.

The campus has general teaching classrooms a specialist Art Room and a Resource Centre. The Resource Centre is well set up with a computing suite and up to date student texts. All rooms are air-conditioned. Students have access to computers and interactive whiteboards in each of the teaching areas. The Junior Primary classroom is situated in a beautifully renovated old stone house which allows great flexibility in the way learning programs are presented to the youngest students at the Campus. This space is shared with our youngest children, 0-5 year olds, who join us each week in the Playcentre program. Students have ample space and choices for their playtimes. The campus has a large oval for our student’s numbers, that is maintained in immaculate condition by our Grounds person and dedicated parent volunteers. Students have access to a variety of play equipment as well as sandpits, nature play resources and a cubby house. The low numbers enhance the relationships across the year levels, with numerous cross-age learning opportunities offered throughout the year.

Students at Langhorne Creek Campus value their learning because they see their learning valued by the staff, parents and community members. The campus has strong historical foundations and traditions while being innovative and futures-oriented. One tradition, is to be the conduit for the local Langhorne Creek Youth Writers festival which is held in September of each year. Students have been involved in an environmental restoration project at Mosquito Creek since 1988. This outdoor classroom has provided students with many rich learning experiences and students are involved in monitoring water quality at Mosquito Creek as part of the Lower Murray Water Watch Program.

Through its connection with the wider school community, the grounds at Langhorne Creek Campus are maintained to a high level. A committee of parents and the Campus Leader plan the development of the grounds and organise regular working bees to ensure they are continuously maintained and improved. 

The campus has a community recycling centre located on the edge of the premises which supports the school’s involvement in learning about our environment and sustainable living practices whilst maintaining its strong connection with the wider community.