Eastern Fleurieu R-12 Newsletter Week 6 Term 3 2023
Principal’s Report
Term Dates 2023
Eastern Fleurieu School R-12 Important dates
Would you like to host an international student?
Click here to apply
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
R-12 School Uniform
Online safety
STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress
Community News
Head of Campus Report
Nature Play SA
Hakea Class
Student Creation Market
Art Program
Care and Share with Kerry
Dates to Remember
Head of Campus Report
Around the Campus
Dates to Remember
Head of Campus Report
Happenings at Milang
Reminders from Donna
Dates to Remember
Heads of Campus Report
Deep Learning
What has Room 12 been up to?
Let’s go to the Adelaide Zoo with Room 31!
What’s Happening at Monarto Zoo?
Book Week with Room 11
Dates to Remember
Head of Campus Report
2023 EFS Ski Trip – Mount Hotham
Flinders Uni Open Day
Growing connections for the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
Wear it Purple Day – Friday, 25th August 2023
Outdoor Education
Father’s Day
Motorsport Immersion Excursion
Library News
Principal’s Report
Student Agency at Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School
In today's complex educational landscape, Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School distinguishes itself through its focus on student agency, trauma-informed practices, comprehensive wellbeing, and collaborative teaching approaches.
Collaborative Responsibility for Learning and Behaviour
A cornerstone of our educational philosophy is the collaborative relationship between teachers and students in taking responsibility for learning and behaviour. Teachers work closely with students to set academic goals, behavioural expectations, and personalized learning paths. This partnership cultivates a sense of ownership and responsibility in students, thereby enhancing both educational and social outcomes.
Trauma-Informed Practices/Wellbeing
Our trauma-informed approach ensures a nurturing and responsive environment. Teachers are equipped with the skills to recognize and address signs of trauma, making our classrooms inclusive and supportive spaces where students can thrive academically and emotionally. Complementing our trauma-informed practices is our robust commitment to student wellbeing. We offer a range of services—from counselling and mindfulness activities to mental health education—that foster emotional and psychological growth alongside academic development. At EFS we know that without wellbeing there is no learning!
Deep Learning/Interdisciplinary Learning
Deep learning remains at the core of our educational initiatives R-12. By engaging students in problem-solving, critical thinking, and real-world projects, we go beyond traditional teaching methods to instil a lifelong love for learning. Our interdisciplinary approach enables students to explore topics in depth, encouraging collaboration across year levels and subjects. These methods not only facilitate deep learning but also strengthen student agency.
Flexible Learning Environments
With diverse learning needs in mind, we are working on our classrooms being designed as flexible learning environments. Whether it's a quiet corner for individual focus or an interactive station for group collaboration, we are continually looking at how our learning spaces cater for different learning styles.
Feedback and Technology
We value student feedback on teaching methods, curriculum, and even administrative policies. To enhance the learning experience, we also incorporate technology as both a teaching aid and a platform for students to explore beyond the classroom.
At Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School, the interplay of student agency, trauma-informed practices, comprehensive wellbeing, and collaborative responsibility creates a holistic and empowering educational journey.
Currently we are reviewing the EFS Strategic Plan and aligning it with the Department’s Strategic Plan and “The Purpose of Public Education”. A draft Moral Purpose Statement is provided below for your perusal and feedback. Do you think this what we do? Is it what we stand for? Should we aspire to provide this?
"At Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School, our moral purpose is to nurture every child in our communities, empowering them with essential skills, values, and holistic well-being. In partnership with families, we guide each student towards their potential, bridging gaps and fostering a safe, inclusive environment. Our commitment to Trauma-Informed practices ensures that students' unique needs are recognized and supported, fostering lifelong learning and positive transformation to the world of work and life beyond school."
Warm regards,
Ian Kent
Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School
Term Dates 2023
Term Dates | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 |
2023 | 30 Jan – 14 Apr | 1 May – 7 Jul | 24 Jul – 29 Sep | 16 Oct – 15 Dec |
Eastern Fleurieu School R-12 Important dates
Fri 1/9 | Student Free Day | Thurs 14/9 | RU OK Day |
Mon 4/9 | School Closure Day | Wed 27/9 | Transition Visit to 7-12 Campus |
Mon 11/9 | Governing Council Meeting 6:30pm | Fri 29/9 | Last day Term 3 |
BYOD – Bring Your Own Device to 7-12 Campus
At the 7-12 Campus all students are required to have their own BYOD laptop.
Purchase your laptop here
We have a strong focus on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacies that will enable students to be successful global citizens in the 21st century. EFS have implemented the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) system to meet the increasing demand of ICT in the classroom as we believe that it is a sustainable way to allow students to have one-to-one access to technology.
We recommend you purchase your device through our online portal – for new or students or those needing to upgrade..
Would you like to host an international student?
Apply here:
Click here to apply
Please be sure to check the School Calendar for dates of events. The calendar is available through our SZapp, Website and Newsletter and is colour coded for you to select which campus is relevant to you.
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Your provider of OSHC is YMCA SA.
YMCA South Australia OSHC provides a Before and After School Care along with Vacation Care for school aged children 5-12 years on a casual and permanent basis.
OSHC provides a safe, fun and stimulating place for children to engage in structured, unstructured and educational activities that are specifically tailored to the child’s interests and needs. Our friendly and experienced staff work hard to ensure your children are cared for in a welcoming, supportive and stimulating environment. We value the uniqueness and diversity of every child, and seek to support and empower them to reach their full potential. Our programs are structured in accordance with the National Quality Framework and are led by our highly trained educators.
At YMCA SA we consider the safety and wellbeing of children and other vulnerable people to be our highest priority.
To register your child in our OSHC or Vacation Care programs, view program information or catch up with the latest news visit:
R-12 School Uniform
EFS School Uniform Shop
9a Callington Road, Strathalbyn SA 5255
Term Time Open Hours
Tuesdays 8:30 – 10:45am
Thursdays 3:45 – 5:45pm
For uniform enquiries outside of our open hours, contact Ms Julie Martin.
Bubbells Embroidery
Phone: 0417 771 944 Email:bubbells@adam.com.au
If our open hours don’t suit you, we can take email and phone orders and we can arrange remote purchases for your convenience.
Online safety
For a comprehensive guide to resources to assist us in navigating safely through the online world, please visit .
STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress
On 10th Thursday and 11th Friday of August, Shaan, Ms Clark, Ms Wood and eight students in Years 5-10 attended the STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress at the Convention Centre.
Over the two days the students enjoyed listening to inspirational and intriguing speeches by First Nations astronauts, marine biologists and other cool scientists. The two days were jam packed full of learning about STEM and have hopefully ignited a new love and interest for all things STEM through a cultural lens. It was an amazing couple of days and we are already looking forward to next years event!
Megan Wood
Aboriginal Education Teacher
Community News
14 Ashbourne Road, Ashbourne SA 5157 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report
“Real heroes don’t wear capes”, this is true of our incredible School Service Officers (SSO’s). At Ashbourne we are blessed to have a team of dedicated SSO’s who work above and beyond to support the needs of the students and staff. Each day they provide care and compassion, whist helping the students connect to their learning and supporting their wellbeing. We would like to thank Leanne, Jack, Bibi, Tony, Bryn, Tammy, Kerry, Darcy, Zara and Luke for their unwavering support and kindness. Our classrooms and campus would not run as it does without their help.
The students have been busy over the past 5 weeks planning, designing, creating and making their products to sell at the Small Campus Student Creation Market. They have had to apply their 6 C’s to each lesson, working collaboratively and developing their character strengths. We are very proud of the final products ready for sale. The students are able to explain the reason they chose to make what they did and the process they used.
On Tuesday, 22nd August we welcomed Mandy Hopkin’s Year 3-6 class from Langhorne Creek Campus to join us on our Bush School day. It was lovely to have so many students at the campus, enjoying activities and our school scrub. The Ashbourne students did a wonderful job as the teachers for the day, sharing their extensive knowledge of Australian birds, The Southern Fleurieu Ocean, The Australian Desert, Reptiles and Amphibians, Antarctica and First Nation Dreaming. The students cooked damper on the campfire and made cubbies in the scrub. We at Ashbourne love having other EFS classes share our Bush School Day.
Rebekah Fahey
Head of Campus
Nature Play SA
On Tuesday, 15th August for Science Week and Bush School day, Cameron and Jay from Nature Play SA came to Ashbourne and ran an interesting session for the whole campus. The session was called “STEM into Nature with natural pigments’. The children learnt about how paint was traditionally made and had the opportunity to make their own paint. They used flowers from around the campus to make the paint. It was inspiring to see their persistence when using the wooden mortar and pestle to grind up the flowers. Once the students had made the paint, they then used this to paint on individual canvases. The finished art work are beautiful.
Hakea Class
Our Reception to Year 2 class have been working hard last term and this term on developing their Narrative writing skills to make their own books. Ms Lee was very proud of the student’s perseverance in writing two drafts before completing their final copy to see at the Student Creation Market. As part of their Art lessons the students designed and created two masks and book bags each to also sell at the market. Their final products are sensational.
Student Creation Market
It was a spectator, sunny day for the Small Campus Student Creation Market (SCM) at Milang campus. Mrs Cook and the staff of Milang warmly welcomed all the students and staff to the second SCM. The students took part in 5 fun activities during the morning session that were designed to allow the students to use their 6 C’s. After lunch each group set up their stalls with their individual products to sell to the other students and their families. We all enjoyed exploring the market and seeing all the incredible products and games. Our Ashbourne student’s stalls were a great success, with many of them selling out. Thank you to all our families for joining us at Milang.
Art Program
Gaynor has been running a weekly art/wellbeing program with our students. They are making mosaic bird baths. They students love their time with Gaynor.
Care and Share with Kerry
Looking back and looking forward, we are halfway through the term, always filled with fun and hands on learning each term. Learning about Antarctica our Bush School topic this term has been received with enthusiasm, and eagerness by all the students. They have a real hunger and keen interest in Antarctica by being curious learners and it's great to be a part of that community of learners.
Always a great way to start the day on a Tuesday by sharing breakfast together over toast and a chat at breakfast club.
We also welcome more sunshine and the season of spring. Don't forget to use the sunshine to recharge your vitamin D and soak up the warmth, energy and motivation that it brings. Take home quote:
It's ok to own phone technology but it's not ok for phone technology to own you. Be aware to put it aside and enjoy your children and the sunshine first hand.
Happy Sunny Days!
Kerry Crowden
Pastoral Care Worker
Dates to Remember
Fri 1/9 | Student Free Day | Fri 29/9 | Assembly 9:00am |
Mon 4/9 | School Closure Day | Mon 16/10 | First Day Term 4 |
Bridge Road, Langhorne Creek SA 5255 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report
We are pleased to inform you all our Administration is now located in the newly refurbished house. Staff have worked amazingly to meet the timeline to ensure we remain on track for stage 2 – removal of the final old building and relocation of 4 classrooms into this space. We welcome you to pop into Admin and have a look.
Thank you to our community for relocation of the piano for use in the town hall.
During this time, we all enjoyed Book Week Parade with celebration activities with families who attended. Students also enjoyed further activities prepared by staff. A fabulous day was enjoyed by all. This was followed by Bush Day at Ashbourne campus where students engaged in cooking damper, cultural art, water painting and making clay creatures and animals. Student Creation Market at Milang was enjoyed by all. Many wonderful items were created as saleable goods that linked to students learning. Congratulations to all students and staff for another excellent day. We then ending our week with a visit from Illustrator Ross Morgan. Students participated in activities to practice their illustrating skills.
This week we are feeling more settled and enjoying our learning programs. Thank you to families who were able to join teachers for Learning Conversations. This is a valuable time to catch up on students learning and celebrate their success and discuss students' needs, so we are best able to support them.
Les Cameron
Head of Campus
Around the Campus
Cyber Safety
Luke Perry from SAPOL visited Langhorne Creek Campus to present Cyber Safety sessions for both classes on Tuesday, 15th August. Luke also ran a parent information session after school for our families.
We look forward to Luke returning in the New Year and sharing valuable messages to keep our children safe on line.
LC Cyber Safety
Book Week Parade and Community Visit
Langhorne Creek Campus celebrated Book Week with a dress up parade, students came along dressed as their favourite book characters. It was great to see a good turn up of parents and grandparents to enjoy the parade and then stay on for shared reading in our new classrooms with the students.
LC Book Week Parade
After recess the students worked in groups with staff, they read some of the 2023 short listed books and did some related activities.
LC Book Week Activity Groups
Year 3-6 Bush School Visit
The Year 3- 6 class visited Bush School at Ashbourne. This was a great day and much enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Rebekah and the team at Ashbourne.
LC Bush School
Student Creation Market at Milang
This day was yet another great day for our students who all ventured to Milang to join the students from there and Ashbourne for the annual Student Creation Market Day.
Our hosts at Milang organised some fantastic activities for the morning session which included nature weaving, making book marks, good posture races and more. This was followed by the Market which saw stalls from all three small campuses selling their creatively made goods. Lunch was enjoyed before returning to Langhorne Creek.
Illustrator Ross Morgan visit
Our busy week ended with a special visit from Illustrator Ross Morgan who ran a great fun workshop for our students.
Congratulations to our Week 4 Term 3, Assembly Award winners.
This term we have been exploring different types of creative expression. This has included foil painting, collage, string painting and palette painting. This week we celebrate Book Week and Wear It Purple Day. The outdoor mud kitchen continues to be a favourite playful learning experience. This allows for social interactions, use of imagination and social skill development as the children play together
This term we have been learning about Australian animals. We will visit Urumbirra Wildlife Park later this term.
Libby Thornton
Playgroup Co-ordinator
Dates to Remember
Thurs 31/8 | Lovers of Books at the LC Hub | Thurs 21/9 | Popeye Excursion |
Fri 1/9 | Student Free Day | Tues 26/9 | Koalas Bush School Excursion |
Mon 4/9 | School Closure | Tues 26/9 | Hub Morning Tea |
Fri 15/9 | Assembly 2:45pm | Wed 27/9 | Year 6 Transition |
Mon 18/9 | Campus Advisory Committee 5:45pm | Fri 29/9 | End of Term 3 |
Cnr Cox and Rivers Street, Milang SA 5256 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report
Wow, what an amazing week we have had. This year’s Book Week has been full of wonderful learning opportunities for our students. The R-3 class visited the Goolwa library and listened to some of the books chosen for awards this year. The whole school visited the Butter Factory to see the second hand book shop that is usually only open on weekends. This is a great community project that is raising funds for the refurbishment and they were lucky enough to be able to choose a book to take home. We also had a visit from illustrator Ross Morgan to finish off the week! This week was also our Creation Market which was a huge success. Students from Ashbourne and Langhorne Creek brought their stalls to Milang and all the students had an opportunity to buy their creations. We raised $507 which the students have chosen to support people experiencing homelessness. The meal deal raised $401.50 which will go towards our camp in 2024. Enjoy all the photos!
Susannah Cook
Head of Campus
Happenings at Milang
Student Creation Market
This week the annual Student Creation Market was held at Milang Campus. This year our activities had a book week theme with good posture races, bookmark making and decorating pillow cases to use in bed with a book. Students also enjoyed nature weaving inspired by Ngarrindjeri traditions and creative play in the loose parts area. The highlight of the day was the student Market. Students from Ashbourne, Langhorne Creek and Milang have been working in their stalls this term incorporating all their Deep Learning skills. There were such a range of products; bee hotels, decorated bags, original books, magnets, boards games and crayons. Most of the stalls sold out! Some students chose to design games; hook-a-boat, battleships and arcade games with the lucky numbers stall holding the crowd!
Creation consultant, Ben Smith gave all the students feedback at the end of the day and was very impressed with the student’s skills. Thanks to all the families who attended and staff who supported the students.
Spring Concert and Art Exhibition Save the Date
This year our Spring Concert and Art Exhibition will be held at the Milang Institute at 3:00pm on Thursday, 21st September. Student artworks will be on display and students will perform a variety of pieces on stage. Please be aware of the time change this year, and we hope with this much notice you will all be able to attend. Consents have gone home for us to be able to walk to the Institute to rehearse.
As in previous years we will have packs of cards for you to purchase of your child’s artwork. They will be sold for $12, pack of 8 cards. If you would like to order extra packs for gifts, please see Donna.
Coffee Morning
The next coffee morning will be on Wednesday, 30th August at the Mini Mart. Pop it in your calendar.
Adelaide Symphony Orchestra
On Friday, 11th August the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra performed at the Milang Institute and we were lucky enough to have a front row spot.
What a fantastic opportunity for our students to attend a free event and witness an orchestra performance of this high calibre.
One of our lucky students even had the chance to perform!
Reminders from Donna
Premiers Reading challenge
Premiers Reading Challenge forms have been given out. Please encourage your child to complete the form and return to Donna by Friday, 8th September. Also for those really keen readers there is a 20 book challenge, see attached.
Please always contact the school if your child is late, call or come in and sign a yellow slip. Also if your child is away or someone else is picking them up. If we don’t hear from you your child’s absence is marked as unexplained. A message from another student is not enough, we need to hear from a parent. If you are picking your child up early please come into the office and complete a green slip.
Please continue to follow the guidelines for keeping us all safe. If you need to come on site, please ensure you are sanitising when entering any buildings. Keep your visits brief and social distance at all times.
Note Folders
The oldest child in each family is responsible for handing in their note folder each day to Donna and taking it home each night with any new notes. Can you please make sure you are checking these each day and sending back any notes or consents that need to be brought back. Also any book club money and order forms need to be returned in the folder.
Dates to Remember
Fri 1/9 | Student Free day | Mon 4/9 | School closure day |
Thurs 21/9 | Spring Concert and Art Show |
34 East Terrace, Strathalbyn SA 5255 Ph: 8536 2455
Heads of Campus Report
Book Week
Our theme for Book Week this year was ‘Read, Grow and Inspire’, and with our visiting illustrator, Ross Morgan, we continued to share the wonder of books, the ability of a story to take you away to another land, fulfil a dream or make you laugh. Once again, parents did an outstanding job of supporting students with dress ups, I think the costumes just get better and better every year. Mel Pitt did an excellent job of coordinating our parade with the gym bursting at the seams with onlookers and then families joining students for literacy activities across classrooms. The canteen ladies did a roaring trade providing many food options for all.
SSO Week
It was also SSO week during Week 5 where we take the opportunity to celebrate the incredible contributions of our Student Support Officers and shine a spotlight on these dedicated individuals who play a vital role in nurturing and supporting our students, teaching staff and leaders.
Ways SSOs Enhance Our School:
- Emotional Support: Our SSOs create a safe and supportive space where students can openly discuss their concerns and feelings. They offer guidance and a compassionate ear, ensuring that every student's emotional well-being is a top priority.
- Academic Assistance: SSOs work closely with teachers to identify students who may benefit from additional academic support. They provide targeted assistance, helping students overcome challenges and excel in their studies.
- Personal Development: SSOs play a pivotal role in fostering the personal growth and development of our students. Through workshops, one-on-one conversations, and mentoring, they help students build resilience, self-confidence, and essential life skills.
- Behavioural Guidance: Our SSOs are skilled at with students, to support challenging behaviours issues and promote positive social interactions. They work collaboratively with students, parents, and teachers to ensure a harmonious school environment.
- Inclusivity and Diversity: SSOs celebrate the unique qualities of each student and create an inclusive atmosphere where diversity is embraced. They help students understand and appreciate differences, fostering respect and empathy.
Our SSO team wear many hats and their commitment shapes the future of our students, and we are truly grateful for their presence in our EFS family.
Jo Garwood, Sophie Frost and Mel Pitt
Heads of Campus
Wear It Purple Day
What a brilliant sea of purple we saw on Friday! Wear it Purple Day was a huge success, with lots of happy faces, colourful outfits and positive classroom activities.
Students explored concepts such as gender stereo-types, ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ activities, clothing and toys. They shared thoughts about individuality and how we can respect each other’s differences. They looked at families and how all families look different. The focus was on identity, belonging, difference and the things that bring us all together. Also focussing on creating an environment where children can feel secure and proud of who they are. Student shared books such as My Shadow is Purple and My Shadow is Pink, written and illustrated by Scott Stuart. Older students explored some of the topics and social concepts that align with the Year 5 and 6 Health curriculum that relate to the themes of Purple Day.
Students shared stories about families, inclusion and enjoying activities that may seem outside of what gender stereotypes suggest. It really is an opportunity for kids to feel proud of what makes them unique.
Of course the purple food on offer at the canteen was a big highlight. Thanks to our wonderful canteen staff and volunteers that get behind all of our events.
Thanks to all of the families who got behind this event. It was great to see so many community members joining in with the purple theme.
Heidi Yard
Wellbeing Leader
Deep Learning
Students in the Spotlight
Every newsletter will see a number of students, across all EFS primary sites, recognised for their learning related to the 6 Global Learning Competencies.
Latisha – Collaboration
What does this competency mean to you?
Working together when the other person says something and listening to their ideas.
How have you been learning about collaboration in the classroom?
We made the ‘Lucky Numbers’ box together and we sorted out the numbers for the box. We all wrote different ideas for a name for our stall and then we took lots of words from them and came up with the ‘Lucky Numbers’ name for our stall.
How can you use collaboration in everyday life?
By listening to my friends when I’m playing with them.
Ben Smith
Innovative Pedagogies Coordinator
What has Room 12 been up to?
So far this term we have been learning about multiplication and division in maths and living things in science. We have been writing poems and learning about writing information reports. In health we have been talking about ways to keep safe. The Book Week parade was a lot of fun and we enjoyed dressing up. These are some pictures of our STEM activities. We worked collaboratively to build some LEGO creations. Vikki and the room 7 children amazed us with their science show last week. We are looking forward to our overnight Zoo Snooze camp in Adelaide Zoo in week 9.
Let’s go to the Adelaide Zoo with Room 31!
On Monday, 28th August Room 31 went to the Adelaide Zoo. It was such a beautiful day with many parents/grandparents volunteering on the day. The children were so excited when we arrived eager to explore and see as many animals as they could. They saw lion seals being fed, macaw's flying over our heads, meerkats peeking at them and the Pandas came out to show off. What a great day we all had.
Penny Falland and Cara Eastwood
What’s Happening at Monarto Zoo?
On Friday, 25th of August Team 26 went to Monarto Zoological park as part of our 'living things' unit for science.
Students learnt about native habitats and how we can help create these habitats in our local communities. We are looking forward to implementing the things we've learnt to help our native animals.
Book Week with Room 11
Dates to Remember
Fri 1/9 | Student Free Day | Tues 19/9 | Room 13 and 14 Monarto Zoo Excursion |
Mon 4/9 | Show Day – School Closure Day | Tues 19/9 – Wed 20/9 | Room 12 Zoo Snooze |
Fri 8/9 | Kindy Visits | Wed 20/9 | Performing Arts Group Performance |
Tue 12/9 | Questacon Workshops | Fri 22/9 | Sports Day |
Fri 15/9 | Room 26 and 28 Festival Theatre Excursion | Fri 22/9 | Kindy Visits |
Fri 15/9 | Kindy Visits | Fri 22/9 | Last Day of Term 3 |
Mon 18/9 | Room 9 and 11 CirKidz Excursion | Mon 16/10 | Start of Term 4 |
11 Callington Road, Strathalbyn SA 5255 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report
Energy levels remain high in Term 3 as students continue to engage with some wonderful excursions and enrichment activities. Our Ag teams are putting in the extra hours in preparation for the show which starts this week. Subject Selection Conferences have been a highlight and we thank you for your participation in these discussions helping students to think about their pathways beyond school.
Teachers at the 7-12 have been exploring levels of consistency with routines and expectations across the campus. Our discussions have highlighted the need for the establishment of consistent and predictable routines.
Children thrive in situations that provide a sense of security and familiarity. At Eastern Fleurieu School, we recognize the importance of creating a stable environment for your children. By following consistent routines, students know what to expect, reducing anxiety and allowing them to focus on their learning journey.
Routines are not just about structure; they are about optimizing the learning potential of our students. When your child knows the routine, they can prepare for each learning activity. This readiness for learning enables them to engage more deeply with the content, leading to more effective learning experiences. Predictable routines also streamline classroom activities, allowing our dedicated teachers to spend more time on instruction and individualized support.
The Week 6 Student Free Day will have a literacy focus and see R-12 teachers collaborating on topics surrounding teacher and student talk. As we embrace the shift towards improving learner agency, we will look at how to minimise teacher talk and enhance the quality of student talk across the age ranges.
We will also continue our review of school values as a whole staff. I would like to thank our Governing Council members for engaging in this discussion on behalf of our families, and we invite you to contribute your views. We asked Governing Council members to reflect on the three values they felt were most important in a school, and what they look like in action. Interestingly, there was a significant correlation between the contributions of staff, students and families, which is a strong indication that our values align, and we can live by them in the school community. More on this to follow…
The Uniform Shop is located at 9A Callington Road, Strathalbyn. Julie’s contact numbers are 8536 2648 or 0417 771 944 or you can email her at bubbells@adam.com.au.
Keep your details up to date
Please contact the school if any of your personal details change. This helps us to keep you up to date and informed with school news. Thank you.
If you have any issues you would like to raise, or would like to share constructive feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the 7-12 Campus on (08) 8536 2455.
Vanessa Coker
Director Secondary Education
Important Dates to Remember
Fri 1/09 | Student Free Day | Mon 18/09 | Yr 9/10 Presentation - Smashed Alcohol Education to Empower a Generation |
Mon 4/09 | School Closure Day | Wed 20/09 | Yr 10 Road Awareness Program |
Thurs 7/09 | Yr 9/10 Knockout Basketball | ||
Mon 11/09 - Fri 15/09 | Year 10 Work Experience |
2023 EFS Ski Trip – Mount Hotham
On the middle Saturday of the July school holidays, 17 students and 4 teachers assembled in the 7-12 library eager for the adventure awaiting. For the first time since 2019, EFS was returning to the snowy slopes of Mount Hotham for a week of skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights and snow angels!
We boarded the coach and drove overnight, arriving at Hotham mid-morning on Sunday. Nearly everyone on the trip had never seen snow before and the first sightings of the white stuff brought excitement to all. Hire skis, snowboards and boots were collected and most jumped into their first lesson that very afternoon while snow veterans Mr Taylor and Mr Langhans explored the slopes.
That evening we met Jon, the generous cook who would be coming to our lodge every day to make us breakfast and dinner, and reflected on the day’s excitement. The next 4 days saw plenty of fun, falls (but thankfully none serious) and snowballs thrown. Thursday was our last full day on the mountain and also the day we experienced our biggest fresh snowfall of the trip. There really is nothing like watching it fall from the sky and slowly build a fluffy white blanket over everything and then being the first one to make a trail of footprints through it.
Friday was upon us sooner than we would have liked but gave us one last chance to get a few turns in and use the skills we’d built throughout the week. It was rewarding to see just how far everyone had come. Skiing and snowboarding can both be tricky to pick up but with a positive attitude and endeavour the EFS Ski Trip crew embraced the challenge.
We returned the hire equipment, said goodbye to Jon and boarded the coach for another overnight drive home with everyone thankfully intact and better for the experience. If you’re interested in attending a future EFS Ski Trip, keep your eyes on the Daymap Bulletin or speak with Mr Langhans, Ms Stevens, Ms Clark or Mr Taylor (Keegan, not Matt).
Flinders Uni Open Day
On Friday, 11th August Mrs Thompson, Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Rowe and Mrs Johnson took a large group of senior students to the Flinders University Open Day. Students who attended were given the opportunity to tour the beautiful campus as well as attend information sessions provided by different faculties. There were interactive activities all around the campus, with the opportunity to win prizes and create memories. The staff particularly involved getting to catch up with a range of alumni Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School students. Laura (pictured below), Bailey and Zoe (pictured below) were able to fill us in on their tertiary education journeys and plans for the future.
Students all reported that they had a fabulous day, matching the weather we were provided with while visiting the picturesque campus!
Britt Thompson
Senior Leader
Growing connections for the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
On Wednesday, 15th of August 2023, Eastern Fleurieu 7-12 Campus participated in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA).
The NDA is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative for schools and provides an opportunity to connect with students, staff and our school community to implement workable solutions to prevent bullying.
The 2023 NDA theme, Growing connections, promotes the importance of school, family and community connections in building safe and supportive learning environments where all students can belong, feel accepted and respected.
Research has shown that strong school connections and positive relationships can help to prevent bullying. When students feel a sense of belonging and connectedness at school, they are more likely to enjoy school, to trust and respect their teachers, and be concerned about and help others (Australian Education Research Organisation 2023).
At the 7-12 campus promoted the theme of grow connections by providing a free BBQ lunch promoting inclusiveness, respect and community belonging for all students.
If you have concerns that your child is being bullied, please contact your student’s homegroup teacher in the first instance. You will be referred to the Middle/Senior Leadership if a satisfactory outcome is not achieved. If you believe the behaviour constitutes a crime, or is a serious incident of cyberbullying, please refer to the Bullying. No Way! website for information on how to report to other authorities. The Inclusive Ed & Wellbeing team will be linked in to provide wellbeing support where appropriate.
For more information about the NDA and bullying prevention, visit the Bullying. No Way! website.
Ely Haylock
Inclusion and Wellbeing Leader
Wear it Purple Day – Friday, 25th August 2023
On Friday, 25th of August we celebrated Wear it Purple Day at the 7-12 Campus. Students were able to wear a splash of purple for a gold coin donation. All donations will be sent to the Wear it Purple Organisation.
The Wear It Purple Organisation strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.
As we are a very diverse school community it is important to make all students feel safe and included. Wear it Purple Day is just one of many ways that we can make all students feel proud of who they are without judgement.
At lunchtime we were treated to amazing sunshine while listening to awesome tunes prepared by Mr Matt Taylor and his students. Cookie decorating, face painting, colouring in and bubbles were also enjoyed by all.
Youth Worker
Outdoor Education
Miss Humphries, Mr Doody and their Year 10, Stage 1 Outdoor Ed classes went on the first camp for the year to Kuitpo for a bushwalking experience. They arrived on Monday and were able to explore the forest by utilising their navigation techniques in an orienteering course. Groups worked together to race each other to find all the markers on their maps without getting lost. Students then cooked up a storm for their first dinner using Trangia stoves and huddled around the campfire.
On the second day, students embarked on an approximately 10km bushwalk to Mount Magnificent, trekking through plantation forest, the Kyeema Conservation Park and along the Heysen trail. On the second night students participated in a quiz and some campfire games. Students practiced a first aid scenario on the way home with their very clumsy teachers all falling prey to fake broken legs. All were rewarded with a bakery stop on the way home to celebrate a job well done.
All students reflected that they were impressed with their own sense of independence and responsivity throughout the camp and many enjoyed the experience while learning new skills.
Father’s Day
Students at the EFS have been busy again making Father’s Day cards for the local nursing home.
Estia nursing home will be the recipients of these cards this year.
For the last few years, students who attend lunch club or special girls group, spend their time making cards for special occasions and donate them to the community. This gives them purpose, self –esteem, confidence and a fun way being involved with others with the same interests.
The feedback from the community is very positive and shared with the students involved.
Thanks to all involved.
Motorsport Immersion Excursion
On Friday August 18th, students from the Eastern Fleurieu Certificate II in Automotive Service Technology classes attended a Motorsport Immersion Excursion at The Bend Motorsport Park as part of the OTR Supersprint. The group comprised of students from Eastern Fleurieu, Victor Harbour High School, Mount Compass and Tyndale as well as our TAFE lecturer John and Mr. Rofe. We had the opportunity to observe the garages of many of the support classes and watch some of the qualifying action before we got down to serious visits with the SuperUtes and JAM Motorsports.
Part of the precise and complex maintenance regime that each car goes through at JAM.
We had a really detailed conversation with Filippa Guarna, Operations & Communications Manager for the SuperUtes. She talked to us about the cars and the category, but also about what characteristics it takes to be successful in motorsport. She talked about attitudes, application, persistence, and the importance of being visible and ‘hungry’. She also talked about the importance of keeping your ego under control and the benefits of listening. Filippa explained the about the work that was being done across the category before, during and after a race weekend, by technicians, data wranglers, promotion and coordination staff, performance health and psychology coaching as well as the varied role of the drivers. She pointed out that it is important to remember who you talk to and how you take advice, because those people will watch what you do with that advice and file that knowledge away for later. There was an incredible range of possibilities, from photographers to race engineers, with a strong push to facilitate women at all levels of the sport.
Filippa and Dave sharing a wealth of knowledge about succeeding in motorsport to a rapt audience.
Blake gets the benefit of some very sound advice about how to build up a career from grassroots competition.
Dave Seiders gave us the perspective of and owner/builder/driver on getting the most out of the car on a race weekend, as well as keeping the entire category growing, improving, and making its presence felt as part of the Big Show of Australian motorsport. He reflected on the elements of the original vehicles retained after the conversion to a racecar and the amount of specialist components and engineering it takes to make them capable of such amazing speed and dicing in close quarters.
The intricate engineering of the suspension and transaxle of the Wolf racecar is not so far from the machinery we have already studied, when it is explained by a man who does it full-time.
Over at JAM, we were shown how to turn a passion for racecars into a business and a career. We were shown through their facility, which is currently doubling in size to handle more aspects of vehicle preparation and maintenance, as well as a greater volume of work. The students were encouraged by Courtney Steer, Race Team Operations Manager, to talk with the technicians preparing a Porsche Cup car and a carbon fibre Wolf racecar. The guys were very forthcoming, helping the students to understand the way that competition vehicles used the basic theories they have already studied, such as suspension and drivetrain components, are changed and applied to a motorsport application. They were also very clear on the positives and negatives of working on racecars as a career/lifestyle.
The Touring Car Masters drivers and crew were also very friendly and happy to help the students develop and adapt their understanding of how mechanical systems are developed to keep these old cars ferociously fast.
Courtney Steer walks the crew through the JAM engine room, explaining to Flynn and Connor the work flow which ensures that each step is managed by a specific technician.
Aaron and Courtney, the owners of JAM, were very welcoming and showed a real commitment to growing employment opportunities in South Australian motorsport, with several of our students now engaged in discussions around work experience in this exciting field.
All of this was made possible by the cooperation of Fillipa, Luke, Courtney, Aaron and especially with the support of Cameron Jew, the Communications and Membership Coordinator at The Bend, who is making continuing efforts to help get students access to more opportunities in motorsport. The students were extremely grateful for the opportunity these people provided. Arriving at the track they saw some fantastic equipment being operated by serious professionals, on the way home, these students were discussing the range of ways that they could be the serious professionals operating the fantastic equipment. An important contribution to their ambitions, hopes and dreams.
Brandon, part of the class from Mt. Compass, trying an over $200,000 of Wolf race car.
Lochlan shoehorning himself into some very rapid carbon fiber.
Library News
Premier’s Reading Challenge
This challenge closes on Friday, 8th September, 2023. That’s only days away, so please return your completed forms to the Library by this date.
The donated jigsaws continue to be very popular.
Most books have a two-week loan. If students need more time, they can bring the book back in to get the due date extended. If your child has an overdue you will get an email reminding you of this, which comes out once a week.
Adrienne Carter