Eastern Fleurieu R-12 Newsletter Week 2 Term 1 2024
Principal’s Report
Term Dates 2024
Eastern Fleurieu School R-12 Important dates
EFS School Values
Young Citizen of The Year Award
Connect Care Parenting Information Session
2023 Year 12 Results
BYOD – Bring Your Own Device to 7-12 Campus
Would you like to host an international student?
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
R-12 School Uniform
Community News
Head of Campus Report
Bush School
Acacia Class
Dates to Remember
Head of Campus Report
Year 6 Graduation 2023
Swimming 2024
News from the Kind Koalas - Miss Anna and Miss Hannah
News from the Quokkas - Miss Abbey and Miss Hannah
Dates to Remember
Head of Campus Report
Junior Primary Learning
Upper Primary Learning
Summer Splash
Reminders from Donna
Dates to Remember
Heads of Campus Report
Parent Club
Quality Start with Room 6
What’s Happening in Room 30?
Back to School with Room 25
Settling into School with Room 21
Who Are We with Room 2
Ready to Learn with Room 12
Port Adelaide Football Club Visit
Dates to Remember
Head of Campus Report
Important Dates to Remember
2023 Year 12 Graduation
Inclusion and Wellbeing Team
7-12 Sports Day 2024
9 Maths
Library News
Principal’s Report
Welcome to the New School Year at Eastern Fleurieu School.
I am thrilled to share with you the incredible start we’ve experienced across all R-12 campuses. Our commitment to starting the school year with consistent, safe, and predictable routines and expectations R-12 has ensured that our messages reach every member of our school community—students, staff, and parents alike. This demonstrates our motto of achieving ‘Excellence through Unity’ is a reality as we embed our newly defined school values: Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Teamwork.
These values are not merely words but the foundation of our expectations for everyone within our community. It is very satisfying to report that our emphasis on these values has already achieved positive outcomes. We’ve witnessed a noticeable decrease in student behaviour management incidents, a testament to the effectiveness of our collective ownership of school expectations.
Quality teaching and learning is evident in every classroom I have visited thus far. My visits have seen students so deeply engaged in their work that they remain undistracted, a clear indicator of their engagement and our staff’s commitment to delivering exceptional high-quality education using a variety of pedagogies (teaching and learning strategies) to meet the needs of all students.
I am very proud to announce that our Year 12 results have seen a remarkable improvement over the past four years, in comparison to the achievements of the previous four years. In fact, they are the best results we have seen at the school in well over 10 years. The number of A and B grades has doubled, showcasing our students’ hard work and our staff’s dedication. Furthermore, many of our students completed their SACE with a VET course or a School Based Apprenticeship, demonstrating our commitment to preparing them for their future careers and the world of work. A big thank you to the Leadership Teams and all the wonderful teachers the students have had from R-12 who have contributed to this amazing success story.
With our continuous focus on improving communication, we are excited to announce updates to our online presence, including upgrading our website for easier navigation and access to relevant information in a more user-friendly environment. We are also making similar changes to Daymap R-12 and other online communication forums. Updates will be communicated to you as we move through the process. These enhancements will make it simpler for our school community to stay connected and informed as communication is key.
The Governing Council’s efforts are invaluable to our school’s continuous improvement. We encourage parent involvement in the council, offering a platform for meaningful contributions to important discussions around Governance, including school uniform and transportation policies.
Whilst we have made a commitment to enforcing our uniform policy this year—it will be reviewed ensuring it reflects our students’ voices as well as the parent community. In line with the new Strategy for Learning we will be ensuring students are involved in decision making processes that directly affect them. As we have in the past, we will always support families in need with uniform or any other access to our educational programs due to financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances.
Our dialogue on bus transport continues with the Department for Education who set the policy and routes the buses take. Despite challenges with bus policies and efforts to meet all families’ needs, we remain dedicated to working through solutions with the Department and within the policy whilst recognising that not every family’s needs will be met regardless of what policy or routes are in place.
A highlight this year is the completion of the new buildings at the Langhorne Creek Campus, marking a significant milestone and journey in our school’s overall development over the past 6 years. This rejuvenation promises an exciting and dynamic learning environment for students and staff at Langhorne Creek. More information will be coming your way in the very near future.
As we move forward, let’s continue to embrace our core values, ensuring Eastern Fleurieu School remains a place of Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Teamwork. Together, we will make this school year one of the most successful and memorable yet.
Ian Kent
Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School
Term Dates 2024
Term Dates | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 |
2024 | 29 Jan – 12 Apr | 29 Apr – 5 Jul | 22 Jul – 27 Sep | 14 Oct – 13 Dec |
Eastern Fleurieu School R-12 Important dates
Mon 19/2 | Governing Council Meeting 6:30pm | Mon 11/3 | Public Holiday - Adelaide Cup Day |
Mon 4/3 | Student Free Day / Staff Training Day |

Please remember to complete your child/ren's consent forms. Click the link below. Thank you.
EFS School Values

In partnership with our 2023 Student Leadership team, staff, students and Governing Council, we are proud to launch our new EFS school values. Represented in this beautiful artwork created by our First Nations student artists and Aboriginal Education Worker and local artist, Shaan Broadbent, our school values are likened to the ripple effect of raindrops on the River Angas. At EFS, across our five campuses, we invite all members of our community to share in our commitment to core values of Respect, Integrity, Determination and Teamwork.
“Like raindrops creating ripples, we as educators and students, hold the key to spreading these values within our community. We are the rain that creates the ripple effect.”
Young Citizen of The Year Award

Connect Care Parenting Information Session
Beth Stringer and Bianca Hawkins sat down and delivered the information and answers to assist parents in topics from school avoidance to understanding how the adolescent brain works, anxiety, building confidence and more.
This information session is proudly brought to you by Connect Care and Alexandrina Council. Thank you to Goolwa Secondary College for hosting this session. We trust that parents will find this information valuable in their parenting journey!
Check out this Video designed by Lexi Klaebe.
2023 Year 12 Results

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device to 7-12 Campus

Purchase your laptop here

Would you like to host an international student?

Apply here:
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
R-12 School Uniform

EFS School Uniform Shop
9a Callington Road, Strathalbyn SA 5255
Term Time Open Hours
Tuesdays 8:30 – 10:45am
Thursdays 3:45 – 5:45pm
For uniform enquiries outside of our open hours, contact Ms Julie Martin.
Bubbells Embroidery
Phone: 0417 771 944 Email:bubbells@adam.com.au
If our open hours don’t suit you, we can take email and phone orders and we can arrange remote purchases for your convenience.
Community News

14 Ashbourne Road, Ashbourne SA 5157 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report

Welcome back for a new school year. It is lovely to see all the students running around and playing in our beautiful campus. I would like to welcome our new students to Ashbourne, and welcome back our 2023 students. I hope everyone is ready for a brilliant year ahead filled with new learning, fun with their friends and new experiences.
Our new students, Lucas, Sophia, William, Lincoln, Ollie and Harlan are settling well into the school routine. Our students have made our new students feel welcome and part of our Ashbourne community.
The dedicated teaching staff are Kiera, in the Hakea class (Reception-Year 3) and Robyn in the Acacia class (Years 3-6). We welcome Shane Nethercott to our teaching staff, Shane and I will teach together on our weekly Bush school day. Our amazing SSO’s are Jack, Bibi, Tony, Luke, Darcy, Bryn and Tammy, we are very fortunate to have such a strong committed team supporting our students. Our incredible Leanne is in the front office, keeping the campus running smoothly. Our wonderful, caring pastoral care worker Kerry is taking leave in Term 1 to spend time with her family, she will be back in Term 2 to continue the work she does with breakfast club and helping to support their wellbeing. For Term 1 I will run breakfast club on a Thursday morning.
Our students are our future and we at Ashbourne are grateful that you are trusting us with your child/children and we will ensure we support the whole child, academically, emotionally and socially, to be their best selves, building on their strengths.
The new school values were developed with the students and staff in 2023 and will be embedded in all we do at Ashbourne. The values are Respect, Teamwork, Determination and Integrity. Along with the values, we will be embedding consistent routines in the classrooms, on Bush School day and within specialist lessons. Please take the time to speak with your child/children about the school values and the consistent Ashbourne routines.

Rebekah Fahey
Head of Campus
Bush School
Each Tuesday we run our Bush School day, it is unique to Ashbourne campus and provides our students with the opportunity to connect to nature and become environmental ambassadors. Each Term we have a specific focus which has been chosen by our students, providing student voice and agency. This term the focus is ‘Natural Disasters’, and the impact they have on the natural environment, animals, people and the town/cities. We will investigate natural disasters in Australian as well in other countries including; Bush fires, Volcanoes, Blizzards, Floods, Tsunami, Tornadoes, Earthquakes and Tropical Cyclones. The students will explore their artistic and creative side in a creation project that will be planned, designed and created by them. After lunch the students take part in sit spot, this allows them to connect to their surrounds, taking time to listen, see, feel and smell what is around them. Our afternoon focus is on looking after the campus and scrub, team building, STEM, collaboration and whole school games.

The students have completed their week of swimming lessons, it was a positive experience for them all. All the staff and their families enjoyed watching their growth and confidence develop over the week. The students learnt water safety, survival techniques and swimming techniques. There was a lot of smiles and laughter. The team of swimming instructors ensured that all the students felt safe and had the opportunity to build on their current swimming ability.

Acacia Class
It has been a great start to the year with everyone having a bright and positive attitude. Over the first two weeks of Quality Start we have been engaging in setting up classroom expectations and participating in a lot of Team Building activities. All students have demonstrated kindness and consideration for their peers and contributed their ideas on how they would like our class to run.

Dates to Remember
Thurs 29/2 | Assembly | Mon 4/3 | Student Free Day |
Fri 1/3 | School Photos |
Bridge Road, Langhorne Creek SA 5255 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report

Welcome to 2024. I hope you and your families had an enjoyable break together. We have had a great start to the year with Quality Start Programs, Swimming and have commenced moving into our new classrooms. There is lots of learning happening for students so we are staggering our move to ensure we are set up with all our needs.
This week we had families attend our Acquaintance evening. Staff and students have been able to share what is happening in classrooms along with an opportunity to visit your children’s classrooms. Please feel welcome to make a time to visit and see what is happening.
Our Year 6s have had the opportunity to prepare speeches in preparation for voting and the announcement of School Captains and Vice School Captains for 2024.
Congratulation to Lexi and Sam, our 2024 School Captains and to Khiyaden and Aidan, vice School Captains. All students presented very impressive speeches to the campus students and staff. We look forward to their leadership across the campus.

Langhorne Creek 2024 School Captains
We are looking forward to another great year at Langhorne Creek campus as we settle into our new classrooms and school.
Les Cameron
Head of Campus
Year 6 Graduation 2023
In the final week of 2023 we farewelled our Year 6 students, a fantastic Graduation Night was held to wish them all the very best.

Swimming 2024

News from the Kind Koalas - Miss Anna and Miss Hannah
We have been busy with our quality start in the koala classroom welcoming 7 new Kind Koalas to our class. We have learnt about our routines. We have learnt about the zones of regulation and have written our ready to learn plans using the zones. We listened to ‘our class is a family’ book by Shannon Olsen. We then talked about how we can be kind to ourselves, others and the environment. We created tie dye self-portraits using tissue paper.

We have had a wonderful time at swimming this week learning all pool safety and playing fun pool games.
I wish we could go swimming all the time. – Rylan
I have had fun. – Stella

LC Koalas Swimming
News from the Quokkas - Miss Abbey and Miss Hannah
Wow! What a busy start to the term in the quokka classroom.
To begin the term, students worked together to determine our class values and discussed in depth how we would like our class to run. This was a great team building exercise where students communicated their thoughts and ideas with one another, and we came to a great agreement of how the term as a class will look.
Throughout the first two weeks, students have participated in various team building activities and games which have shown their leadership skills and dedication to achieving our class goals. We have also been very busy with swimming lessons, and it has been great to see students gain skills and confidence in the water, with some students even taking on a rescue swim and swimming the length of the pool fully clothed.
The start of the term has been all about our quality start and getting to know each other, and we are really excited for the term ahead.

Quokkas in the Pool

We welcomed families back to playgroup on 2nd February. The children enjoyed reconnecting with their friends and playing outside in the sunshine. They explored the playgroup space in the new school building.
Families shared fruit and story time in the beautiful outdoor space.
In week 2 the children learnt about Chinese New Year. We looked at Chinese picture books and listened to a dragon story.

Dates to Remember
Fri 1/3 | Clean Up School Day | Mon 4/3 | Student Free Day |
Fri 1/3 | School Photos | Mon 11/3 | Public Holiday |
Fri 1/3 | Assembly - 2:45pm |
Cnr Cox and Rivers Street, Milang SA 5256 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report

Welcome back to Milang for 2024! It has been lovely to meet our new students, Safi, Marley, Connor, Memphis and Mia and they have settled in very well. I would also like to welcome our new Upper Primary teacher, Amy Pulleine. Amy comes with experience from Port Elliot Primary school, after school care and as an educator at the Strathalbyn Campus. Over the past two weeks both our classes have been learning their routines, finding out about each other’s strengths and setting goals for the term.
Last week all students attended swimming lessons at Strathalbyn pool and I was again very proud of the way they persisted throughout the week, even on the cold days! After only 5 days it was great to see the improvement in their abilities and confidence in the water.


Playgroup resumed for 2024 on Tuesday, 30th January. We have welcomed several new families this term.
The children have enjoyed reconnecting with their friends as they explored our indoor and outdoor play spaces. We learnt about Chinese New Year and have made pancakes together.

Junior Primary Learning
Our first day of ‘official’ literacy groups began this week. Last week, we had slotted in some practice sessions around our swimming lessons so we were all prepared to get started this week. Our new Receptions started by counting the number of words in a sentence as they jumped from hoop to hoop. Their next lesson was all about ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ and finding the words that rhyme. The Yellow group began by revising all the sounds they learnt last year ending in a game of ‘Sound and Words’ Bingo. A goal for the Green and Orange group is to continue building up their independent working skills. With the focus on a particular sound, each group started to slowly work through a series of activities. All the children worked really well and made a great start to literacy learning for 2024!

Upper Primary Learning

My name is Miss Amy and I am the new Upper Primary teacher at Milang Campus. I am very excited to be here, and so far have felt so welcomed by staff, the wonderful students and their families. A few things to know about me are that I love being a teacher, and have wanted to be one since I was 5 years old. I also love to read, watch movies and go for walks in Kuitpo Forest. At home, I live with my fiancé and we get married later this year. We also share our house with our crazy and sock obsessed Labrador, and two very entitled and spoiled cats.
The last two weeks have so far been such a fun adventure with swimming, getting to know each other and creating new and consistent routines that will shape how we learn in the classroom. This year I am to bring a sense of safety and belonging to the Upper Primary Classroom, and aim to challenge students with their learning whilst also providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can thrive through their own strengths and work towards their goals.
This term we are focusing on strengthening our mathematic skills through number and place value, whilst also focusing on other areas such as money, measurement and problem solving. In literacy, we are focusing on strengthening our reading and writing skills through regular reading routines, reading comprehension as well as a weekly Big Write, which sees us focusing on our grammar techniques.
I am very excited and proud to be at Milang and I am so looking forward to seeing what this year will bring.
Summer Splash
We had wonderful attendance for our Summer Splash afternoon on Monday, where parents had the chance to meet their child’s teacher and have a look around the classroom. The children then had a wonderful time running in the sprinklers and cooling down, followed by a hot potato and an ice-block. Please don’t hesitate to come in and meet the teachers before or after school if you were unable to attend.

On the last Assembly of 2023 we farewelled our Year 6, Seth. Our assembly was held at the Milang Institute and Seth’s family were able to be there and celebrate his graduation with him. Seth has been with us here at Milang since Reception and we wish him all the best at 7-12 Campus.
We also farewelled Mr Nash and wish him well in his new venture at another school.
Well done to our Premiers Reading Challenge award recipients also.

Well done to our first award winners for 2024. Jannali and Amelia from the Junior Primary Class and Troy and Harley from the Upper Primary Class.

Reminders from Donna
Hats are required now at all play times and PE lessons. Donna has some new hats available for $10.
Donna also has some second hand uniform items for sale.
Book Club
Orders due 19th February.
Please always contact the school if your child is late, call or come in and sign a yellow slip. Also if your child is away or someone else is picking them up. If we don’t hear from you your child’s absence is marked as unexplained. A message from another student is not enough, we need to hear from a parent. If you are picking your child up early please come into the office and complete a green slip.
Please continue to follow the guidelines for keeping us all safe. If you need to come on site, please ensure you are sanitising when entering any buildings. Keep your visits brief and social distance at all times.
Dates to Remember
Tues 20/2 | Junior Primary Excursion to Train Museum in Milang | Thur 29/2 and Fri 1/3 | Tree planting at the Butter Factory |
Fri 23/2 | School photos | Mon 4/3 | Student Free Day |
Wed 28/2 | Junior Primary Excursion to Goolwa |
34 East Terrace, Strathalbyn SA 5255 Ph: 8536 2455
Heads of Campus Report
It was wonderful to see our 545 students and parents stream in the gate, 75 for the first time to our campus, excited and ready for the 2024 school year. We also have extended a warm welcome to all our new students and families joining our school community this term.
Carers Night
Wow what a wonderful Carers Night. Families enjoyed the scavenger hunt, sharing learning spaces and connecting with teachers. Our new renovated Art Room was a hit and a thank you to the Canteen for supporting the Sausage Sizzle and D&D Catering for attending the night.

Consistent Routines

Through our first weeks of Quality Start we have been focussed on consistent routines, class relationships and building an inclusive environment. Students and staff have embraced our, ‘At EFS we...’ routines. Having a shared understanding provides clarity in choices but also decreases cognitive ‘thinking’ load for our students. There are no misunderstandings about our voice levels, how we move around campus or our rigorous focus on learning.
New Staff
Our new staff, Monique Hausser (Room 3), Reanna Palmer (Junior Primary NIT), Alyssia Whittaker (Junior Primary PE), Gareth Allely (Room 1), Janet Parkinson (Junior Primary Performing Arts), Susanne Minards (Junior Primary Performing Arts), Emma Cooney (Room 28) are settling in and it has been wonderful to welcome back Laura Shields (Room 11) and Demi Alcorn (Junior Primary NIT) from maternity leave.
In line with our R-12 focus on uniform can I please remind families that non-school jumpers, hoodies and coloured undershirts are not part of our Uniform Policy. Over the last year, we have also seen black bottoms, sports tights and bike shorts creep into our school landscape. I would like to work with all families to move back to navy blue/grey bottoms by the end of the term. We have loads of second-hand options for purchase in the front office, with monies going to our Parent Club, please reach out if you need any support. Our student leaders will be part of the team, that continue to review the uniform and options available. Our Uniform Policy has always had a focus on providing comfortable and affordable options, flexible to the weather of the day.
Student Enterprise
Our Upper Primary students are enjoying a new Specialist subject – ‘Student Enterprise’ taught by Mr Smith, this subject will encourage creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, local and global perspectives and collaboration among our students, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities.
Through Student Enterprise, students will have the opportunity to explore various aspects of entrepreneurship, including idea generation, market research, business planning, financial management, marketing, and sales. They will also learn about teamwork, leadership, and resilience as they work on real-life projects and initiatives.
The research tells us that fostering an entrepreneurial spirit from a young age is essential in nurturing future leaders and innovators. Student Enterprise will not only empower our students to think outside the box but also instil in them the confidence to pursue their passions and turn their ideas into reality.
As parents, your support and encouragement play a crucial role in the success of this initiative. We encourage you to engage with your children about their experiences in Student Enterprise, ask them about their projects, and provide guidance as they explore the world of entrepreneurship.
We are confident that Student Enterprise will be an enriching and rewarding experience for our students, and we are excited to see the creativity and innovation that they will bring to the table.

Facilities across our site continue to be a focus with the following projects highlighted
- Boundary fencing now completed
- New signage installed by end of February
- Pressure cleaning of asphalt, concrete, buildings and painting new handball courts
- Recarpeting of OSHC/Activity Room
- New reception play fenced area behind the unit
- Our amazing new Art Room revamp, tirelessly led by Ms Russo
- Fixing of dangerous trip hazards on basketball court
- Removal of large tree and resurfacing of the basketball court and of course, our toilet upgrade.
As we embark 2024 together, let us embrace the spirit of curiosity, resilience, and collaboration that defines our school community. Together, we can empower our students to become lifelong learners and compassionate global citizens who make a positive impact on the world around them. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education.
Jo Garwood, Sophie Frost and Mel Pitt
Heads of Campus
Hello and welcome back to 2024,
At Eastern Fleurieu School, wellbeing is at the centre of all that we do. We know that for young people to learn and reach their full potential, they must feel safe, valued and supported. Over the past few years, we have done a lot of work around Trauma Informed teaching and have worked closely with Berry Street Education to build our understanding and response to students. Trauma does not always mean that students have experienced a one off or ongoing incident, we know that trauma is a stress response and we all experience stress and its affects throughout our lives. Through our learning about trauma and wellbeing, we have also learnt much about behaviour. We know that all behaviours present in an attempt to seek needs and therefore we strive to support students in understanding those needs and working with students, families and support providers to plan for success.
All students at Eastern Fleurieu School will be supported to identify on a Ready to Learn Scale throughout the day and will have an individualised Ready to Learn Plan, to allow them to get to know themselves and to build strategies that support them to be engaged and active learners.
Wellbeing is all of our business! Teachers, SSO’s, office staff and leaders will all act to support students. We are have allocated Wellbeing Staff, who are there to support students and families. Please see the team below and don’t hesitate to make contact 08 8536 2455.
Wellbeing Team

Heidi Yard – Wellbeing Leader

Emma Harris – Wellbeing Leader

Hannah Jenkins – Student at Risk
and Learning Support

Hayley Lepe – Youth Worker

Kristy James - SSO

Narelle Vaughan –
Pastoral Care Worker
First Nations Team

Shaan Broadbent –
Aboriginal Community
Pastoral Care Worker

Jo Thornley –
Aboriginal Engagement

Charmaine Bennett –
Aboriginal Community
Engagement Officer
Heidi Yard
Wellbeing Leader
Parent Club

Our annual Christmas Fundraising raffle was another success, raising $3552. These funds will go back into providing resources to support all students at the Strathalbyn R-6 campus. Congratulations to the raffle winners, and a huge thank you to all businesses and individuals that provided prizes.
We are currently seeking new Parent Club members. We meet twice a term on a Friday at 9:00am. The next meeting is Friday, 23rd February in the Strathalbyn R-6 staffroom. If you are interested, please email melissa.pitt536@schools.sa.edu.au
Colour Fundraising Run
The last week of Term 4 2023, saw the Colour Fundraising Run finally take place after imminent weather postponed two previous dates. The students, and staff alike immersed themselves in colour, running laps of the oval around obstacles to raise funds for our basketball court. What a fun, and vibrant way to end our term!

If you have not yet returned your child's fundraising form, please do so by the end of Week 4. Funds raised can be paid at the Finance Office or alternatively can be deposited here:
BSB: 105 019
Account: 037300040
Ref: Colour Run
Parent Club
Quality Start with Room 6
What a busy start we have had to the term! Room 6 have had a wonderful start to the term, getting to know each other and the kids have been mentally preparing themselves for their last year of primary school!
Throughout our quality start program over the last 2 weeks, we have been exploring a range of regulation strategies and have compiled some into a book, alongside with some quick research to help us create our ready to learn plans.
Check out the list below and read some of the benefits for some of these strategies!
- Reading
- Walking
- Using Weighted blankets or objects
- Going for a run
- Listening to calm music
- Drawing
- Mindfulness colouring
- Getting fresh air
- Drinking water
- Yoga
- Doing a puzzle
- Building something from Lego
- Eating fruit
- Eating vegetables
- Positive mantras or affirmations
- Meditation
- Painting
- Mental grounding
- Muscle tensing and relaxing
- Rhythmic movement
- Getting sunlight
- Talking it out to an adult or trusted person
- Writing a letter
- Using fidget tools
- Going to a quiet place
- Swinging on a swing
- Playing an instrument

What’s Happening in Room 30?
Room 30 are doing a great job of settling into school. We have been learning about the Eastern Fleurieu School consistent routines, class expectations and how to work together as a team. We have also been learning about A and B choices and getting along with others. We made a Care Bear and Balloon Buddy and practised saying caring and friendly things to them. We read the book 'Have you filled a bucket today' and are trying really hard to be bucket fillers.
We are looking forward to a great year.

Deb Woolford and Cara Eastwood
Back to School with Room 25
What an amazing start to Year 2 in Room 25.
Team 25 have spent the last two weeks getting to know each other through quality start activities.
Working on two of the new school values of Respect and Teamwork, we have been taking a deep dive into what these two words mean to us. We have discussed how we can show respect through our words and actions, and how we can work as a whole class team to ensure everyone has the right to learn, as well as small group work and learning how to be a great team member.

Have you heard of the invisible string? Everyone is connected by the invisible string. When you aren’t with a loved one or friend, give your heart string a tug and the person you miss will feel it in their heart and give you a little tug back. It is always hard coming back to school after Summer holidays and not being able to see our loved ones often, so on the first day of school we created our own invisible string attached to hearts with our loved ones names on them, to help remind us that it is okay to miss people, you just give the string a tug and their love will fill our hearts.

Marissa Baker
Settling into School with Room 21
It has been a great start to the year in Room 21. We have welcomed back our Year 1zs for their second year of school, and our brand new receptions who are adjusting so well to their new environment. We have been doing some fun activities during our Quality Start weeks, and of course lots of play to help us make new friends and get to know each other. We have read a lot of books about settling into school, including ‘Mr Huff’ where we talked about some ways we can calm down if we are in a Huff. Already we have become more confident with working at our desks and attempting tasks independently. I can’t wait to see what we achieve this year!

Danni Campagnaro
Who Are We with Room 2
At the beginning of the year, we talk to students about who we are and the things that are key to our daily life and experiences, then we give students a guide to creatively express who they are using words and illustrations. The idea has been borrowed from the movie ‘Inside Out‘ and are locations in the mind of Riley Andersen. Students identify four or more aspects of their life that are core to them functioning well, then they draw about their passions, interests, relationships and experiences on each island. This is a selection of work from Room 2 and is a part of preparing them to be ready to learn and reveal a part of themselves to others.

Ben Smith and Merrilee Wallis
Ready to Learn with Room 12
The children in Room 12 have been getting to know one another and discussing our new school values. We used these to formulate our class expectations. We also looked at the aspects of our character competency in relation to following our values and class norms. Over the coming weeks, the children will be preparing an ‘All about me talk’ and bring in things to show.
We have talked about stress in our bodies and the strategies we can use to regulate ourselves. Using our ‘ready to learn scales’ and ‘ready to learn plans’ we will be ready with whatever each day brings. We are talking about having a growth mindset and celebrating mistakes to develop your character and practicing how to be collaborative through games and STEM activities. Swimming lessons will be lots of fun and we are hoping we score good weather. We are looking forward to jumping into our learning this term.

Andrea Thomas
Port Adelaide Football Club Visit
As part of their 2024 AFL Community Camp 6 PAFC players visited our Strathalbyn R-6 Campus on Tuesday….for Mr Smith and Ms Pitt it was their “best day ever” as they got the opportunity to host the players and question time! Students enjoyed a question and answer opportunity with players Ollie Wines, Darcy Byrne-Jones, Dante Visentini (who was celebrating his 21st birthday on the day and we got to sing to), Thomas Scully, Brandon Zerk-Thatcher and Willem Drew then finished off with an autograph and photo opportunity. Discussion included healthy food groups, a typical game day for the players, active and healthy lifestyles and ideas on how to be active like walking you dog and participating in sports and AFL pathways. Some great questions from our students included:
“How did you feel when you were first signed with Port Adelaide”
Excited by recent draftee Zirk Thatcher
“Who’s your favourite AFL team after Port Adelaide”
A soft spot for Carlton from Ollie Wines
“Which team do you like playing the most”
Definitely the Crows
“What job would you do if you didn’t play football”
Continuing study at University

Dates to Remember
Mon 19/2 – Fri 23/2 | Upper Primary Swimming | Mon 4/3 | Student Free Day |
Thur 29/2 | SAPSASA Swimming | Mon 11/3 | Adelaide Cup Day |
11 Callington Road, Strathalbyn SA 5255 Ph: 8536 2455
Head of Campus Report

Students at the 7-12 Campus have had a fantastic start to 2024, settling into their new classes and routines, and focusing on their readiness for learning. There has been a strong focus on consistent routines and expectations with the aim of improving conditions for learning; students have embraced these positive changes.
We are delighted to unveil our revised school values in this beautiful artwork that was a collaboration between student leaders, First Nations artists and ACEO Shaan Broadbent who created the final concept. We are so proud of the result and excited to support students to uphold these values in their day-to-day activities at school and in our local communities.

Our Year 12 students had an exciting and eventful start to their final year of schooling with the highly anticipated arrival of their commemorative jumpers, and their retreat at Mylor Adventure Camps this week. We hope this experience strengthened their connections and the memories made will last a lifetime.
Our Student Leadership nominations are underway and we have had an overwhelming interest in the roles in our new structure. In 2024 more students than ever will have the opportunity to undertake leadership roles with the re-introduction of traditional ‘House Captain’ roles alongside the more formal ‘Student Leader’ roles.
House Captains are selected by their peers in a voting system whilst Student Leaders will experience an application process with a selection panel which includes an initial written application, followed by an interview at the second phase. Outcomes will be announced in an assembly in the coming weeks.
First thing on the Student Leader agenda is the School Uniform Review which will happen in collaboration with Governing Council, students and our supplier, Bubbells Embroidery. They will also assist us with planning for the promotion of our new school values and a review of our house point system.
We were fortunate to have a number of families join us for Acquaintance Evening last week. This was the first of many opportunities for families to connect with us now that COVID disruptions are well and truly a thing of the past. It was wonderful to meet some new families and have time for class visits and general conversations about school processes. The Senior Years Information Session was certainly worthwhile with almost 50 families of students in Year 10, 11 and 12 in attendance.
If you have any feedback about the evening to assist us with future planning, feel free to contact me. Also, if you were unable to attend and would like access to the information shared, please contact the school on 8536 2455 and we will refer you to the relevant staff members.
We are looking forward to working in partnership with all our 2024 families; I encourage you to make contact with 7-12 staff, either to respectfully discuss concerns or provide positive feedback when things are going well.
Look out for notices about special events, Open Days and learning conversations – there will be lots of opportunities throughout the year to connect with us. I look forward to strengthening our existing partnerships and build proactive and respectful partnerships in 2024.
Vanessa Coker
Director of Secondary Education
Important Dates to Remember
Mon 19/2-Fri 23/2 | Swimming - Room 20 | Mon 19/2 | Opens Boys T20 Cricket |
Thur 22/2 | Year 7 and 8 Basketball | Thur 22/2 | Year 9 and 10 Boys Cricket |
Thur 22/2 | Photo Catch Up Day | Thur 29/2 | Year 9 The Rite Journey Calling Ceremony |
Thur 29/2 | Year 9 The Rite Journey Departure Ceremony | Fri 1/3 | Sports Day |
Thur 7/3 - Fri 8/3 | Year 9 The Rite Journey Challenge Day | Tue 12/3- Thur 14/3 | Year 10 Outdoor Ed – Bushwalk Camp |
2023 Year 12 Graduation
Looking back to the 23rd November….. The Year 12 graduation evening was an exceptional success, marked by moments of jubilation, reflection, and camaraderie. The event encapsulated the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and growth for the graduating class of 2023. From the inspiring speech delivered by valedictorian Maise Lane to the heartfelt expressions of gratitude from students, the evening radiated a sense of achievement and unity.

Embraced by proud parents, teachers, and peers, the graduates celebrated their academic milestones with contagious enthusiasm and optimism for the future. The ceremony not only honoured academic accomplishments but also highlighted the diverse talents and contributions of each individual, fostering a profound sense of community and belonging. As the curtains closed on this memorable evening, it left an indelible mark on all attendees, serving as a testament to the resilience and determination of the graduating class as they embark on their journey beyond high school.

Congratulations to our Year 12 cohort

Inclusion and Wellbeing Team
Eastern Fleurieu School (EFS) are very fortunate to have an extensive team of passionate educators providing Wellbeing supports to the young people in our school community.

Our 7-12 Campus team is made up of the following staff:
Merryn Gomez – Assistant Principal Inclusion and Wellbeing
Ely Haylock - Inclusion and Wellbeing Leader
Ryan Haylock - Inclusion and Wellbeing Leader
Megan Wood – First Nations Leader
Andrea Goddard – Inclusion and Wellbeing Administration
Sophie Reynolds – Youth Worker
Kate Yabsley – Youth Worker
Cassie Hatton – Youth Worker
Sylvia Ricci – Pastoral Care Worker
Gaby Taylor – Learning Support Teacher
The Inclusion and Wellbeing team work closely with the broader EFS team of highly skilled Leaders, Teachers and SSOs to provide proactive, preventative, and responsive interventions through our whole school multi-tiered system of supports. This includes whole year level and whole class programs, small group work, 1-1 support and collaborative work with families and the community.
You or your child can get in contact with the Inclusion and Wellbeing team by contacting Student Services to book an appointment on 8536 2455 or you can send an email to the whole team at: DL.0796.Wellbeing@schools.sa.edu.au.
In each Newsletter you will be introduced to a different member of the team starting with Pastoral Care Worker, Sylvia Ricci. EFS work closely with the Department for Education to ensure that wellbeing services through SMG continue to be provided and we are pleased to have Sylvia working with EFS in 2024.

Name: Sylvia Ricci
Role: PCW (Pastoral Care Worker) at 7-12 Campus
About the role: The role of the PCW is to promote student wellbeing and engagement, and to support young people in activities that support their learning and development.
Background: Sylvia has previously worked as a Paediatric Registered Nurse and has a Diploma in Ministry.
Interests: Music, Drama, Cooking, Art, attending her Church, Meeting new people, and Coffee! Sylvia also like making sausages, preserving tomatoes, fruit and pickles, and eating delicious food.
Places you will find Sylvia at EFS: Sylvia works Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and can be found in the yard during break times (come say Hi!), in the Youth Workers office located in the library, in the Ready to Learn Room or in Room 1. To connect with Sylvia you can go to Student Services and request an appointment.
Merryn Gomez
Assistant Principal Inclusion and Wellbeing
7-12 Sports Day 2024
The 7-12 Sports Day is scheduled for Friday, 1st March Week 5 to be held on the 7-12 campus.
There will be a few new fun events added to the day this year as well as the same old favourites.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in attendance, participating and collaborating in their house teams, showing determination and enjoying the day.
More information will be shared in the next few weeks in the lead up to the event but save the date in your calendar and get your house colour costumes organised!
Mark Nielsen
Health and Physical Education/Mathematics Teacher
Sports Coordinator
9 Maths
To start the year off, Year 9 Maths classes are revising their number skills which leads into the first to topic Indices.

Adrienne Carter
Teacher Librarian
Library News
Premier’s Reading Challenge
The Premier’s reading Challenge is on again this year. It is back to the normal 12 books. In Years 7-9 4 of the 12 must be from the challenge booklist, but 8 are of students’ choice. In Years 10-12 all books are of students’ choosing.
Forms are available online or in our Library. Entries close Friday, 6th September 2024.
The donated jigsaws are again popular this year. Students have already started on their second one. The first was a 1000 piece jigsaw of London, as a tribute to Mr Rofe’s visit there last year. Welcome back Mr Rofe. The second is of colourful lollies. A very big thank you to our jigsaw donors.

Adrienne Carter
Teacher Librarian