Library News


Our kindly donated jigsaws are remaining popular. The current one is quite challenging.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) is on again this year. Forms are available from the PRC website or from the library. The PRC closes on the 6th September and students can return forms to the Library desk or to me at any time before then.

Adrienne Carter
Teacher Librarian

2024 Netball Carnival

Congratulations to the 7-12 girls netball teams who competed in the Zone Carnival at Victor Harbor on Thursday, 30th May. Despite the gloomy weather, the EFS netball teams showed up with determination, ready to take the court. Competing against schools such as Victor Harbor, Aberfoyle Park, Encounter Bay, and Investigator, EFS had a very successful day, winning every game for every division. Beyond the victories on the court, what made the day memorable was how all players showcased sportsmanship and teamwork. Congratulations to all players for an enjoyable and successful day.

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STEM Workshops at Flinders University

This week, our SACE Stage 2 Biology and Chemistry students participated in STEM workshops at Flinders University. The workshops are designed to help achieve, cement, and extend student’s knowledge of some of the analytical techniques explored in the SACE Stage 2 Chemistry and Biology curricula, including Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and DNA identification techniques such as Gel electrophoresis. The students were able to perfect some of their analytical skills and also experience University life. A fantastic opportunity, and our students received some great feedback from the workshop facilitators!

Naomi Clark
Teacher - Chemistry, Nutrition, Science

Year 11 Tourism and International Education Students Explore Adelaide

On a bright and bustling day, our Year 11 Tourism students and International Education students embarked on an exciting journey to Adelaide to experience the city through the eyes of a tourist. This adventure was part of their assignment to promote Adelaide CBD as a premier tourism destination.

The day began with a thrilling visit to the Adventure Rooms. Here, students had the opportunity to engage in challenging escape room activities, fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills. The excitement and laughter were palpable as they worked together to solve puzzles and escape the themed rooms within the given time.

Next, the group strolled down the iconic Rundle Mall, Adelaide’s premier retail destination. Students marvelled at the unique blend of historic and modern architecture, and enjoyed window shopping, street performances, and the vibrant atmosphere. They captured the essence of the bustling pedestrian street, taking note of the attractions and amenities that draw tourists from near and far.

The final stop was the Adelaide Central Markets, where students hopped on a tram to immerse themselves in the culinary delights of South Australia. The markets offered a sensory feast with a variety of fresh produce, gourmet foods, and beverages. Students sampled local delicacies and experienced firsthand why the Central Markets are a must-visit for food-loving tourists.

This hands-on experience provided invaluable insights for the students’ assignments, allowing them to observe and analyse the appeal of Adelaide CBD from a tourist’s perspective. By visiting key attractions and engaging with the local culture, they gathered rich, practical knowledge to help them in crafting compelling promotional strategies for the city for their promotion videos.

The excursion was not only educational but also immensely enjoyable, leaving students with lasting memories and a deeper appreciation for Adelaide’s tourism potential. As they return to their studies, they are now better equipped to highlight the charm and attractions of Adelaide, encouraging more visitors to explore this vibrant city.

This outing demonstrates our commitment to providing real-world learning experiences that enhance our students’ understanding and enthusiasm for the tourism industry. We look forward to seeing their creative promotional videos and witnessing their continued growth as future tourists.

Jen Turpin
Senior Years Leader

The Right Journey (TRJ)

This semester students in TRJ had a choice to do some Challenges from their TRJ Passport. Challenges included Courage, Collaboration, Compassion and more.

Recently some of the students decided to make Mother’s Day cards for their Mother’s or caregivers.

These cards were made with compassion and kindness. These cards came under 2 categories of the Challenges.

One student went beyond making just a Mother’s Day card for their Mother but decided it would be a great idea to make some more for people who may not, or receive one for various reasons. This student decided to make some Mother’s Day cards for the local Nursing Home “Estia” in Strathalbyn.

Their thinking was some residents may not have family members who could attend to see their loved ones so this way the residents still felt included and loved.

A staff member kindly took the cards to the nursing home and advised the thoughtfulness of this student.

Feedback from the “Estia” nursing home was very positive. The staff distributed the cards to residents that did not have Mother’s Day cards and the reaction was priceless. The smiles and comments made the day more enjoyable, with chitter chatter at the lunch tables, showing off their cards they received.

An email was sent to thank the student for their thoughtfulness and thinking of others within our local community.

Dani Humphries
Teacher- Health and Wellbeing, Outdoor Education, Rite Journey, Connect
Carol Richardson SSO

IDAHOBIT Day 17th of May 2024

Students were invited to participate in IDAHOBIT Day celebrations by posting a positive message on the Rainbow Wall. There was also plenty of temporary tattoos and awesome music for students to enjoy.

IDAHOBIT Day stands for International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination. May 17 marks the date in 1990 that homosexuality was removed from the WHO Classification of Diseases. Over two decades later, LGBTQIA+ communities still face discrimination – the stakes have never been higher to champion inclusion.

Why is it important to acknowledge this day?

2 in 3 LGBTQIA+ youths experience abuse due to their identity.

35% of LGBTQIA+ Australians have experienced verbal abuse in the last 12 months.

IDAHOBIT Day was great fun and it is always amazing when we can all come together to help create change and support our students to feel included and accepted.

Kate Yabsley 
Youth Worker  
Inclusive Education and Well-being  


Year 9 RSL Excursion

Year 9 History classes were invited to the Strathalbyn Returned Services League (RSL) Museum, located at the Strathalbyn footy oval. We were welcomed by Cate Goodall (President) and Scott Billington (Secretary), who answered students’ questions and shared stories from their time serving in the Australian Defence Force. The museum includes a large collection of artifacts, including uniforms, books, weapons, medals and a pigeon. Students took photos of interesting items and names, then conducted a source analysis back at school. A peace lily was presented to the RSL to thank them for their generosity and hospitality. The museum is open to the public on the first Friday of the month at 6:30pm for BBQ dinner.

Michael Jamieson


Marble Madness!

Over the last couple of weeks, Mr Berry’s science class have been working on a marble rollercoaster engineering challenge. The students used their knowledge of forces and energy to construct rollercoasters that:

  • contained 12 straights, 4 sharp curves, 4 wide curves, 1 set of stairs, 2 funnels, 1 catcher and one loop
  • could stand on their own
  • kept the marble rolling at all times
  • kept the marble rolling for as long as possible

The class soon discovered that to meet these criteria many obstacles had to be overcome and compromises had to be made. For example:

  • The rollercoaster had to be tall enough to contain all the required pieces, but not so tall that the scaffold couldn’t support it.
  • The track had to be steep enough to keep the marble rolling over the jumps and loops, but not so steep that the marble finished the course too quickly.

The problem-solving skills and perseverance shown by the class were fantastic and led to some impressive creations.

Jordan Berry
Science Teacher

Year 8 Maths

In Term 2, Year 8 classes have been learning about Measurement, including area and volume. Our class investigated the relationship between a cubic centimetre and millilitre, where students found that they were equivalent. The class enjoyed using this understanding to fill different prisms with water to calculate the volume.

Kayla Gale
Middle Years Mathematics Teacher


After amazing success in 2023, EFS Create is back!

EFS staff, students and families are once again invited to a dazzling showcase of the creative endeavours of our students!

From art to film, design to technology, and music to photos, EFS Create 2 will be another wonderful exhibition of the talents, imagination and skills of our Year 7 to 12 students.

And we would love to see you all again to celebrate all things creative at EFS!

Narelle Lakin-Hall
Senior Leader: Timetabling and Middle Years
Curriculum Leader: Food and Textiles and Technologies


Year 11 Native Foods Excursion to Kitchen Farm Pantry

This term, the Year 11 Food and Hospitality students visited local cafe, Kitchen Farm Pantry in Newenham to experience first-hand how an establishment highlights and utilises native produce.

The students had a talk from head chef, Maony, tasted samples from their menu and were able to look at the native gardens and plants, all before enjoying the sunshine to work on their Investigation.

It was a wonderful, wholesome and valuable experience to learn about how local communities celebrate First Nations culture and Australian produce.

Year 10 Healthy High Tea

The Year 10 Food and Hospitality class put on a Healthy High Tea event for themselves as part of a group assessment task. For this event, students worked in small groups to design and present three high tea dishes: including a hot savoury, cold savoury and sweet dish. Students were inspired throughout the unit and took complete control, experimenting with ideas and flavour combinations, as well as visually appealing presentation. It was a lovely and wholesome experience they got to share with one another.

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Tess Maple


Year 10 Bushwalk

In chillier weather than anticipated, Mr Doody’s Outdoor Ed class braved the weather for their recent Bushwalk in Kuitpo Forest. Students worked together to navigate their way around the forest, carrying their packs with all their supplies for the three days. Kuitpo put on a show with some beautiful bright days, chilly mornings and evenings, plenty of wildlife and stunning surroundings. Students demonstrated their independence and self-reliance by cooking all their meals on their Trangia cookers, putting up their tents, navigating their route and pushing themselves to get through challenging moments. Some students battled their way through heavy bags, blisters, sleeping in a tent, some poor food choices, and cold nights but in the end they all overcame these challenges- the ultimate test of their resilience.

Dani Humphries 
Teacher- Health and Wellbeing, Outdoor Education, Rite Journey, Connect

Year 10 Rock Climbing Excursions

On Monday, 3rd and Tuesday, 4th June Mr Doody and Miss Humphries’s Outdoor Education classes went on excursion to Onkaparinga Gorge to try their hand at Rock Climbing and Abseiling. The weather was lovely Monday, a bright sunny day perfect for climbing with lots of kangaroos out and about. Students enjoyed the views across the gorge as they worked their way up the cliffs. Tuesday was a cooler, rainier day, but students didn’t let that dim their efforts to conquer the cliffs. Several students from each class also faced their fears and sent themselves backwards off the cliff in a James Bond style abseil challenge. Some students found they had a particular knack for climbing, racing their way up the cliffs in a demonstration of their talent and athletic ability. It was a fantastic day out, and students all worked together as a team to safely belay each other. Mr Doody and Miss Humphries were impressed with students’ ability to challenge themselves, support one another, put in their best efforts and step outside their comfort zones.

Dani Humphries 
Teacher- Health and Wellbeing, Outdoor Education, Rite Journey, Connect


On Tuesday, 21st May we took two Year 9/10 teams to Victor Harbor High School to play Knockout Volleyball.

The Year 9/10 boys’ team played against Victor Harbor and Investigator in their pool. Our boys won against Victor Harbor 2 sets to 1 and lost to Investigator 2 sets to 0. They finished 2nd in their pool coming up against Seaford in the crossover who finished first in their pool. The boys knew this would be a tough game, but they did their best against a team that is much more experienced and has trained a lot. Unfortunately, the boys lost this game to Seaford meaning that they finished 4th overall.

The Year 9/10 girls’ team started strong in their pool playing against Aldinga Payinthi and Willunga Waldorf. The girls won both of their games 2 sets to 0, finishing top of their pool. They then had to play against Seaford to get into the final. It was a hard-fought game, but our girls were too strong with their serving winning multiple points. They made it into the final against Investigator College who played quite smart compared to us. This didn’t stop our girls from giving them a good run for their money. Our girls just lost the first set and lost the second set by quite a little bit too, losing 2 sets to 0. Unfortunately knocking them out of the next round.

Kristen Rothwell

 Health and Physical Education Teacher

Year 7/8 Boys and Girls Basketball

On Monday, 3rd June our Boys and Girls 7/8 Basketball teams attended the first round of knock out basketball at Cornerstone College.

The girls won all 3 of their games, playing some great team basketball. It was an overall great day and the girls will move onto the next round. Congratulations team it was a joy to coach you.

The boys won 1 out of 3 games, with a great win against Cornerstone. The EFS vs Cornerstone game was during lunch break, drawing a large crowd. Thank you to Mr Nielsen for coaching the boys.

Thank you to Year 10 students Marlee and Darcie for helping all day also.

Jo Thornley
AEW (Aboriginal Education Worker)


In the Year 10-12 Girls Football competition, Eastern Fleurieu School took a team to compete against Willunga and Encounter. EFS fell short against Willunga 1.11.17 to 4.1.25, but worked hard with great effort for a blockbuster win against Encounter 16.11.107 to 0.0.0!

Our goal kickers were Kayla, Michaela, Ruby, Brooke, Lacey, Tanisha, Romany, Charlotte and Quba.

Well done to all involved, especially the Year 8 and 9s that filled in! It was a great day out, playing in both rain and sunshine. The team did EFS proud!

Tess Maple

VET/Pathway Presentation

On Wednesday, 22nd May Senior Leader Britt Thompson and Department for Education Pathways Advisor Tim Hutchinson held an information night centred around VET and Pathway opportunities supported and offered by Eastern Fleurieu 7-12 Campus.

With an overwhelming response of RSVP’s the event was well attended with students moving into their SACE studies given a range of information about course, apprenticeships and how these are able to be combined in order to travel through their high school journey.

Some of the topics covered were:

  • What is VET?
  • VET into SACE credits
  • VET Readiness Orientation
  • School-Based Apprenticeships
  • What we offer onsite

If you’re student is in Year 10 and considering a VET course next year, please ensure your subject selections appointment is booked with Britt Thompson.

Alternatively, if you have any questions about any topics covered in the presentation, please contact Britt at the 7-12 Campus.

Brittanie Thompson
Senior Leader

ATEC Try-A-Trade

During Week 3 of Term 2, a group of Year 10 students had the opportunity to try four different trade opportunities through registered training organisation, ATEC. The group of students were able to undertake a taster day in carpentry, plastering, bricklaying and electro technology. All students who participated successfully gained their White Card, which will allow them to safely work on construction sites moving forward.

ATEC provided specialist industry trained professionals that were able to provide students with some of the basic knowledge and skills that would be required in the trade industries. This course should see some students pursue VET qualifications in the trade industries next year, as they commence their SACE studies.

Brittanie Thompson
Senior Leader

Year 11 Waite University Excursion

Wine Industry Learning Opportunity

In Week 11 Term 1, some of the EFS Agriculture students attended the two-day Course Wine Industry Learning Opportunity called “More Great, Less Whine” which was a program run by the University of Adelaide about the opportunities and career paths that are in the Viticulture Industry.

The winery was where all the wine grapes were fermented, the labs where all different types of tests are run on the grapes/wine such as, attempting to remove alcohol from the wine, and many more exciting opportunities. Zero and minimal alcohol wine is generating a lot of interest right now! Some of the EFS students helped move wine from one fermenter to the next and were given a masterclass in the wine making process. 

With the very helpful hosts and presenters of is program, the students were able to learn a lot about all the pathways that are available and how much the Wine and grape industry branches into many different career paths, the students were left with wanting more and some which that the course went on for another day. Overall, the program was fun, exciting and was a very valuable learning opportunity that EFS students were given, so we thank the University of Adelaide and Ag Communicators, for hosting this program of valuable learning opportunity.

Ieuan – Year 11

Important Dates to Remember

Fri 14/6 – Sat15/6

Grease Performance

Wed 3/7

Youth Opportunities Graduation

Mon 17/6 – Tues 18/6

Year 7 Arbury Park Camp – Group One

Fri 5/7

Last Day Term 2 – Early Dismissal 2.15pm

Tues 18/6 – Wed 19/6

Year 7 Arbury Park Camp – Group Two

Mon 22/6

First Day Term 3

Wed 19/6

Year 10 Outdoor Education (Group: Doody) Pangarinda Botanic Gardens

Wed 31/7

Year 10 Outdoor Education – Environment Day

Thur 20/6

CREATE 2 Cross-curricular Showcase

Thur 8/8

Year 7 Immunisations

Sat 22/6 – Sat 29/6

Year 11 Ski Trip – Mount Hotham

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